Friday, January 30, 2015

Alison Paolini Art

I posted an article at December 6, 2014 on this blog.  The wonderful illustrator for my children's books, Alison Paolini (a 78 year old PWP), was in the midst of a major transition in her life.  Her dear husband, Rudy, had died recently and she was preparing to move to Canoga Park outside L.A. to live with her daughter.

Alison has been an artist on many levels for years.  Her work has included many styles of painting, poetry, and unique craft art.  Linda and I had a chance to visit her home last October.  She took us up into her loft over the barn to see her collection which was extensive and impressive to say the least.  She surprised me by asking if I would use my PD network to investigate opportunities to have her collection sold to raise money for PD research!  I was obviously blown away by her generosity and agreed to try to help.

In early December, my friend Cheryl Siefert (Executive Director for the Parkinson Association of the Rockies) had some ideas and volunteered to help.  She made contact with Jerry Hensberger, her counterpart in San Diego.  I was able to send some snapshots, not including the one below.  He expressed interest and a willingness to work with Alison to pursue some ideas!  I was able to pass on this good news to Alison on New Year's Eve.  I made contact a few days later with Sarah King (PAN Director for S. CA), who is on Jerry's board and also volunteered to help!  I am grateful to some other friends who were involved in trying to help Alison, including  Karlin Schroeder at PDF, Soania Mathur at MJFF, Diane Cook, and Valerie Graham.

Alison just sent me a snapshot of one of the pieces of art I saw in her loft.  She had noticed that I had paid particular attention to it.  While going through her files preparing to move, she found a picture she had taken of the piece and a poem she had written to go with it.  I was very moved by this and wanted to share it.  Of course, as with most of her art, there is a story that goes with it.

Alison and Rudy were in L.A. for a meeting some years ago, after which they drove through the streets which were very quiet that chilly night.  They happened to see a small group of people huddled around a basket fire, which she described as an "eerie sight".  This painting and poem were the result of that experience.

Alison, you are amazing!

1 comment:

  1. I must confess that Alison's painting of LA street people and the poignant poem she penned too accompany it truly touched my soul. You are undeniably an artist whose expression, whether in paint or words, cannot be denied. Wishing you all the best with regard to your wish to sell your art and then donate the proceeds for the benefit of those of us with Parkinson's, my dear friend!
